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Emmett Independent School District

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Emmett Public School Foundation

Emmett Public School Foundation, Inc. 

Education ~ Opportunity

The Emmett Public School Foundation was organized in 1994 as a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to support the education of Gem County students. Private financial support is essential to ensure the highest standard of quality programming to enhance each student's educational experience. Your gifts and cash donations will make a difference in creating enrichment opportunities for both students and faculty.  

These funds are annually made available from a designated fund from Dean and Gay Welch to the Emmett Public School Foundation and housed with the Idaho Community Foundation. The Emmett Public School Foundation is truly appreciative of these funds to be able to support classroom enhancements and safety throughout the Emmett School District. We appreciate all donations in which we can support our local Emmett School District teachers, staff, students, and families. For any more information concerning the Emmett Public School Foundation and its work, please feel free to contact Cory Daniels at or Sue Beitia at

2024 Winter EPSF Grants Awarded!

Ms. Ranft EPSF Fall 2024 Grant Recipient

1️⃣  Emma Ranft - Black Canyon Special Education - Adaptive Chairs

💰  Grant Amount: $1300

📚  Purpose: Black Canyon Junior Senior High School, Special Education teacher, Emma Ranft, was awarded a $1300 grant to purchase adaptive chairs for her classroom. These chairs are so helpful for her students, providing a safe, sturdy, and comfortable place to sit while learning. The students love the chairs and are thankful that there are enough for everyone! 


Mrs. Yates History Club EPSF Grant Recipient

3️⃣ Molly Yates - Emmett High School - History Club Expenses

💰 Grant Amount : $2500

🚁  Purpose: Mrs. Yates was awarded this grant for supplies, travel expenses, and entry fees for the National History Day competitions for the EHS History Club. They are excited for this wonderful opportunity to learn, grow, and showcase their talents.

EPSF Fall Grant - Shadow Butte 1st grade

5️⃣ Elizabeth Demery - Shadow Butte Elementary - Kindergarten grade Reading Assessment Tool

💰 Grant Amount: $777

🚁 Purpose:  Kindergarten teacher Elizabeth Demery applied for the grant to purchase a year-long subscription to a reading assessment platform for the entire kindergarten team. Ms. Demery demonstrated how the platform can provide student assessment that is then used to target a student's individual areas of need. In this picture, Ms. Demrey is working with a kinder student who is identifying the sounds of letters. The tool will then provide data and targeted practice for improvement. After this student finished the quick assessment, Ms. Demery praised her for doing a great job. The student beamed and gave her teacher a quick hug. 




Richards EPSF Fall 24 Grant Recipient

2️⃣  Deanna Richards -Carberry Elementary 1st Grade - Calming Corner

💰 Grant Amount: $358.87

📚 Purpose:  Mrs. Richards was awarded this grant to create a calming corner in Mrs. Richards’ 1st grade classroom. This space allows students to regulate intense emotions, thereby reducing disruptive behaviors and enhancing educational effectiveness. In Mrs. Richards’ classroom, students can utilize the calming corner for 3 minutes before returning to the larger classroom environment.

Mrs. Richards and her students are very thankful for their new calming corner. As Mrs. Richards says, “Little things make a huge difference.”

EPSF Grant - Butte View Elementary Lego Robotics Kits

4️⃣  Michell White & Diana Wold - Butte View Elementary - Lego Robotics Kits

💰  Grant Amount: $449.85

🚁 Purpose: This $449.85 grant was used to purchase Lego Robotics kits that will be used in Mrs. White’s 5th-grade class and also made available for checkout by other classes at the school.his $449.85 grant was used to purchase Lego Robotics kits that will be used in Mrs. White’s 5th-grade class and also made available for checkout by other classes at the school.

Total EPSF Grant

Amount for the

2024 Fall Cycle:


Grant History


Board of Directors

The local board of the Emmett Public School Foundation currently consists of 7 members.  If you have any questions or would like more information, we would be happy to talk to you. 

  • President - Cory Daniels
  • Vice President – Rick Johnston
  • Treasurer - Rich Jackson
  • Secretary - Sue Beitia
  • Superintendent - Craig Woods
  • Board Member - Rick Welch
  • Board Member - Justin Walker
  • Emeritus member - Brad Little

Please feel free to contact Cory Daniels at or Sue Beitia at

We are on Facebook

Informational Brochure (PDF)


Archive / PDF Articles

Corwin Ford Donation Sept 2019 (PDF)

EPSF Presents Award of Appreciation to Brad Little 2019 (PDF)

Fall Teacher Grants Nov 2018 (PDF)

Spring Teacher Grants March 2018 (PDF)

 Arts/Music Grant - June 2018 (PDF)

Corwin Ford 2018 (PDF)

Fall Teacher Grants Awarded - Dec 2017 (PDF)

Arts/Music Foundation Grant Update - June 2017 (PDF)

Teacher Grant Recipients - Nov 2016 

Arts/Music Foundation Grant - Feb 2016